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The Rhonda Mooore Shop is a worldwide brand encouraging independent, powerful, and loving women who thrive from helping others and giving back... because the best way to get is to give Love.

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A daily thought journal that will change your life. Get a copy today and rediscover yourself. A must have for every woman ready begin a new journey of self healing, restoration, and hope.
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Reclaim your POWER!

Now’s the time to stop living in the shadows of your setbacks and show the world all of you.  It’s time to stop shrinking away from the greatness you’ve convinced yourself you don’t deserve.

Your life is far from over. Honestly, it’s just beginning.
Get the Journal


There is no life that is too broken to be ammended. No life that is too wasted to be given hope. Women of Resilience are not those who were never broken but they are those who have chosen to give life a chance again. Join us now for a new life of hope.
